Hospital Corpsmen in the Korean War: Battles, Losses, and Awards

The start of the Korean War

Key points

  • In 1950, North Korea launched a surprise attack on South Korea, crossing the 38th parallel that separated the two countries.
  • The attack was part of a broader communist expansionist agenda, supported by the Soviet Union and China, to spread communism throughout the world.
  • The United States, under President Harry Truman, responded quickly to the attack, sending troops and resources to support South Korea.
  • US Marines and Hospital Corpsmen were among the first to enter the conflict, providing critical medical care and support to the US military.
  • The early battles of the Korean War were intense, with heavy losses suffered by both sides.
  • The Battle of Inchon in September 1950 was a significant turning point in the war, as it allowed US forces to retake the South Korean capital of Seoul.

The start of the Korean War

In 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea. Marines were stationed on the Korean peninsula, with hospital corpsmen entering the battle shortly after.

The battles in the Korean War

The fighting began at the Battle of Inchon in September 1950, which led to the recapture of the South Korean capital Seoul.

It stretched all the way to the Battle of Chosin Reservoir where China entered the conflict. The brutal 17-day battle continued resulting in the retreat of the US Army.

US military involvement in the Korean War

One Marine division was involved in the war.

Hospital Corpsmen’s role and losses in the war

The Hospital Corps had suffered 108 losses in the action.

Hospital Corpsmen’s awards after the war

However, after it ended, hospital corpsmen earned:

  • 281 Bronze Star Medals
  • 113 Silver Star Medals
  • 23 Navy Crosses
  • 5 Medal of Honors

Author: John

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